Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things I've learned this week from:

My best friend, Bailey:
Give people a second chance.

This precious dog on caf lane:
I have puppy fever. You know how girls of a certain age get baby fever, where they just want to have a baby? I don't want a baby, I want a puppy. I just want to cuddle it & walk it & tell it how much I love it. I think I'm obsessed.

Andrew Peterson (in his song "dancing in the minefields"): 
The softest part of my heart is the overlap between true love and old people. It just gets me every time. I don't cry very much, but that music video just made me tear up. I love that true love is out there, that people have found it and made it work. It makes me so happy now just thinking about it, like a big yellow sunflower in my heart.


  1. a sunflower? I don't know about that. :P I love you, jessica lynnie. I wish I could give you a hug right now. I'd make it feel like a big yellow sunflower. Just for you.

  2. also, that sounded outlandishly gay. Dear blogspot community, I have a boyfriend. I make him feel like a sunflower all the time.
