Saturday, July 3, 2010

Away We (san die)Go [part 2]

Today's adventure: sailing.
First and foremost, I have never been sailing before. All I knew was that, according to pictures and movies, I should probably wear navy blue and khaki.
Sailing trip notables:
- I messed up from the start (somehow failing to secure us to the dock & then shove off from the dock adequately), establishing that I had the least amount of sailing prowess on the boat.
- Coleman was deemed the most promising sailor of the three of us guests, and so was allowed to steer for a bit.
- The above did not work out so well, the wind started blowing us right & the Colemeister panicked. In this panic he momentarily forgot his right and left, and, instead of correcting by turning the wheel left, kept turning frantically right. This near capsizing caused Alain (our skipper and esteemed professor at PLNU) to jump up and, to the relief of everyone aboard, take control of the boat. Coleman then had to deal with a few minutes of "don't you have a driver's licence", etc comments. In Coleman's defense, driving the boat is a daunting task (not saying that the entire scene wasn't a comical one though...).
- On our return course I, ashamed as I am to admit it, got sick. Although I was extremely successful at keeping the boat clean, it went straight into the water (sorry fishies).
- Pulling back into the boat spot was a little difficult and we may or may not have run into the dock.
- There was a bird's nest, complete with eggs, hidden in one of the boat's sails. Unfortunately the baby birds inside the eggs dropped right out onto the deck at my feet when Alain was trying to re-situate the nest. Poor little unborn birdies.
When all is said and done I consider the adventure a success. Nobody fell overboard, we didn't capsize, everyone enjoyed him/herself, I got to meet Alain and Adam, and learn a few things about sailing.


  1. hahah. we must have different ideas about what success is. i mean, unless you were hoping for the death of unborn birdies and vomiting in front of alain?

  2. alain actually did not witness the vomit, neither did coleman; adam was the only unfortunate spectator.
