Sunday, October 31, 2010

sister wives

I am currently sitting in my dorm room watching Sister Wives. What is that? It's a show about this polygamist family. First an foremost, I could never be a polygamist. I would be too sad. And jealous. These women are saints slash brainwashed. Not helped by the fact that their husband is a tool box with not ok long hair.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mommy Dearest

I know that it's a bit after the fact, but this past weekend my lovely mother traveled the hour long plane ride from Phoenix to San Diego to come visit me. It was an excellent break for the both of us: mine from school and hers from life mothering three, variously aged, school children and a dog.
What we accomplished:
We did a lot of eating, that's for sure; from pizza to burgers to Asian goodness, our bellies were never empty.
We survived riding in the car with my 82 year old grandfather, who is nearing the age where one should stop driving (for the safety of the public).
We caught up and enjoyed each other's company.
We successfully avoided being roped into any large family gatherings that neither of us wanted to attend.
We made a significant amount of pumpkin bread (and left out those weird allspice balls that I put in there last time).
Overall the weekend was a smashing success. Love you Mom!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For romantics the world over

You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love- I love- I love you.
Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things I've learned this week from:

My best friend, Bailey:
Give people a second chance.

This precious dog on caf lane:
I have puppy fever. You know how girls of a certain age get baby fever, where they just want to have a baby? I don't want a baby, I want a puppy. I just want to cuddle it & walk it & tell it how much I love it. I think I'm obsessed.

Andrew Peterson (in his song "dancing in the minefields"): 
The softest part of my heart is the overlap between true love and old people. It just gets me every time. I don't cry very much, but that music video just made me tear up. I love that true love is out there, that people have found it and made it work. It makes me so happy now just thinking about it, like a big yellow sunflower in my heart.