Saturday, May 22, 2010

For the Summer...

I made a list. A summer to do list. I wrote it on my white board so that I won't forget anything.
So here's the list:
-Read books
I have a 'books to read' & a 'books read/ in progress' list.
books to read include: Lord of the Rings series, J.D. Salinger, Atlas Shrugged, and John Green.
books read/ in progress include: An Abundance of Kathrines, The Fountainhead, Lullaby, The Angel's Game (only one of those falls under the 'books to read' list)
-Cook/bake things
The only thing on my repertoire to bake is pumpkin bread. I love pumpkin. 
-Make money
I start my job at Pei Wei on Monday. Yahoo!
-Play the piano
This is pretty self-explanatory. I don't have a specific song list yet.
-Be crafty
There's a really neat sketch I did that I want to turn into a painting. It's of tall skinny houses.
-Get in shape
This includes running, swimming, and maybe learning yoga.
-Take advantage of all opportunities
I would really like to have adventures.
-Eat obnoxious amounts of Asian food
This goal will be made a lot easier by my employment at Pei Wei.

My list could and would be longer, but I ran out of white board marker colors & I wanted each task to be a different color. So 8 it is.

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