Sunday, May 9, 2010

sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad

Today is Mother's day. It is also the day before finals. Which means that while all I want to do is be at home making quesadillas for my mom, I have to be in the library studying for a 250 question bible final. Fair? Definitely not. But, as every adult loves to tell children, life's not fair. And, on the bright side, a week from today I can make my mom quesadillas as a belated mother's day gift.

As for why I pick quesadillas to make for my mom for mother's day: it's not because she particularly loves quesadillas, but because they're the food that I make best. I make an excellent chicken quesadilla, if I don't say so myself.

"Just make yourself a dang queadilla"
Long story short, I love you big, mom.