Monday, May 17, 2010

My Bestie Bee-lee

So tomorrow my best friend ever, Bailey, is coming to visit. I'm SO excited.  We haven't seen each other in almost a year. How crazy is that?
So Bailey & I have been best friends for 6.5 years. You know that your friendship is real when you make it through all of things that Bailey & I have together.
Milestone 1: we made it through middle school. Middle school is generally the worst time in a person's school career & only the true friends make it out still friends. I remember the lunch periods spent sitting in the student store being dumb & making up code words for everything from bodily functions to boys.
Milestone 2: we made it through freshman year of high school. Barely. This was probably the toughest year of our friendship; we said that we were best friends, but didn't really act like it. She made weird new friends that I was a little scared of & I drifted into sports & had my first boyfriend. But there are still fun memories: Bio class with Ms. Oliveri where we just messed around all the time & she managed not to hate us.
Milestone 3: we made it through I.B. We had all of the same classes for 2 years. Usually when you're around someone that much you start to kind of hate them. But Bailey & I protected our friendship by secretly making fun of all the people around us.
Milestone 4: we made it through freshman year of college. Even though we lived 8 hours away from each other and didn't see each other for almost a year, we still manage to be each other's best friend.
I'll never forget any of our sleepovers, where we stay up all night talking about everything. I'll never forget all the ridiculous nick-names that we have for each other. There are so many stories that I could tell, memories that I want to share, but that would take all of the time in the world. The most important thing is that Bailey, you are my y.b.b., my heart attack buddy, my borderline midget best friend in the whole wide world & I cannot wait for this time tomorrow.


  1. the last picture really is the best thing that i have ever seen.

  2. as ceej would say: it's how i get my men.
