Sunday, May 16, 2010

Home Sweet Furnace

Yup, you guessed it, I'm back in the Az. Today is my first full day back, and I can say one thing for sure: I will never fly home for the summer again. I can only take so much stress, so much intensive packing, so much of a grumpy Southwest employee telling me that my bag is 0.5 lbs overweight & no I cannot rearrange my stuff here.

If I had to write the dictionary definition for Arizona it would be one simple word "dry". I'm pretty sure that the moment I stepped out of the terminal my epidermis cried for a second before all moisture was sucked out of it.

I have to change the subject now, before I'm forced to play the world's smallest violin for myself.

I am glad to be home & see my family. My dog was happier to see my mom, who'd been gone for an hour, than me, who's been gone for months. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to the fact that he's a dumb dog that eats rocks, so what can I really expect?

My mom made all my favorite foods for my first night home, so that was awesome. I can't even explain how stoked I am not to have to eat caf burgers and toast for every meal. Now I can fry my eggs myself on my back patio. Yahoo!

1 comment:

  1. remmi eats rocks? haha oh gosh. glad you got back safe!
